Friday, October 16, 2015

Deuteronomy 31

Jeremiah 31-32


I love communing with God in this way! But when I started, I had to give myself permission to write in my bible in ways besides notes and highlighting passages. 

(Someone) (add link) shared this beautiful way of starting to journal: Making permission pages to outline and remind what this experience should be, and what it should not be.

I followed (Someone's) example very closely because I really liked what they wrote. 

These were my first pages, and it not only set up guidelines for me, but it allowed me to try out several different kinds of supplies to see who they worked on my pages. 

Are they perfect? Not at all. But that's not the point. I'm not selling these or looking for anyone to say they're beautiful. This is just me as a flawed, sinful yet forgiven, follower of Christ communicating and communing with my God. And I'm sharing so that if something speaks to you, then you may worship God along with me.